
The guidelines „Promoting active mobility among the older population. Guidelines for cooperation between municipal planning and building authorities and public health services in small and medium-sized towns in Germany“ were developed in the context of the AFOOT project ‘Securing urban mobility of an ageing population’ (read more about the project here/typo3/).

These guidelines have drawn on, among other things, interviews and workshops with the heads of planning and health authorities in districts and towns, and with representatives from selected towns and municipalities in the Metropolitan Region Northwest, as well as interviews with actors from business and practice.

These guidelines address actors in municipal administrations with a particular focus on the role of the public health services and the municipal planning and building authorities. The guidelines are intended to support the authorities in integrating the issues of mobility promotion and age-friendly municipal development in existing planning processes and administrative routines. This should allow their town or municipality to develop into a liveable place in which residents of all ages can pursue healthy, active and independent lives.

The guidelines

  • are intended to raise awareness of mobility promotion and age-friendly municipal development,
  • show intervention points for health-promoting development in the public health services and in spatial planning,
  • give a list of indicators for needs assessment and evaluation of interventions, and
  • present action strategies on three topics: public spaces, cycle paths and footpaths, and the accessibility of everyday destinations.


 Promoting active mobility among the older population (EN) (DE)

Last update (German version): 09.01.2018

Last update (English version): 26.02.2018

Contact: Tanja Brüchert (t.bruechert(at), Paula Quentin (paula.quentin(at)

Proposed citation:AFOOT-project team (Eds.). Promoting active mobility among the older population. Guidelines for cooperation between municipal planning and building authorities and public health services in small and medium-sized towns in Germany. Bremen and Dortmund, Germany, 2018.

The toolbox “Promoting active mobility among the older population“ is a collection of practical information for mobility-promoting and age-friendly municipal development. The toolbox is a supplement to the correspondent guidelines (see below). It is developed within the second funding period of the subproject “Securing urban mobility of an ageing population” (AFOOT). For more information on the subproject click here.

Starting with a glossary and a collection of best practice, the toolbox is going to be complemented by hands-on tips, e.g. for conducting a local analysis, throughout the research process.

Available parts of the toolbox:

  • Part 1: Glossary of important terms and concepts from the fields of health promotion as well as municipal and transport planning (download here, only available in German)
  • Part 2: Best practice referring to realized projects, useful guidelines, possible cooperation, participatory data collection and accessible databases (download here, only available in German)

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This practical guideline „Gemeinsam in Bewegung setzen - Arbeitshilfe zur Bewegungsförderung für ältere Menschen im kommunalen Settings [Moving together – Practical guideline for promoting community-based physical activity in older adults]" provides basic information on the topic of ageing, physical activity and health. It also provides practical examples for the promotion of physical activity in the community setting as well as checklists for building communal networks. Special attention is paid to the development of networks with local community partners to promote physical activity of older people in a participatory manner. The guideline is meant for community practitioners, local politicians as well as interested scientists.

The practical guideline was developed as part of the subproject Ready To Change (more information about the project can be found here)


Gemeinsam in Bewegung setzen (only in German)

Date: 18.01.2018

Contact: Tobias Ubert (t.ubert(at), Dirk Gansefort (gansefort(at)

Citation: Ubert, Tobias; Röseler, Sabine (2015). Gemeinsam in Bewegung setzen. Arbeitshilfe zur Bewegungsförderung für ältere Menschen in kommunalen Settings. Gesundheitswirtschaft Nordwest e.V. (Hrsg.)

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