Dr. Paula Quentin


TU Dortmund
Faculty of Spatial Planning
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
August-Schmidt-Straße 10, GB III
D - 44227 Dortmund

Research Interests

  • integrated urban development
  • mobility
  • urban neighbourhoods
  • planning processes and public policy

Dissertation Topic

Health in urban planning processes (working title)


According to the WHO health needs to be put on the political agenda in all areas of political action (“health in all policies”). This comprises urban planning policies. The German Building Code literally states the creation of healthy living and working conditions („gesunde Wohn- und Arbeitsverhältnisse“ in § 1 (6) Abs. 1 BauGB) as one task of municipal planning. Nevertheless, health seems to be of minor importance in actual planning processes.
Based on expert interviews and document analyses conducted within the AFOOT project, the proposed dissertation aims at elaborating how health is addressed by different administrative units in the metropolitan region of Bremen-Oldenburg. Importance is attached to the local and regional actors’ understanding of health as well as the patterns of thought and routines that underlie the planning processes.

Academic Supervision

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Baumgart, TU Dortmund University, Faculty of Spacial Planning, Department of Urban and Regional Planning